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Lomo de bellota ibérico 100%

Iberian acorn loin sliced

PriceFrom €12.80

Container of 100 gr of sliced Iberian acorn loin. Made with the ileospinal muscle of the Iberian pig, practically free of external fat, stuffed in fibran gut.

  • Description.

    Our acorn-fed Iberian loin is made with the ileospinal muscle of the Iberian pig, practically free of external fat. Supplemented with salt and marinated to later be subjected to a careful curing process that gives the product an unbeatable quality.

  • Conservation.

    Keep it in a dry place away from sources of heat and direct sunlight.

    Average ambient temperature between 2ºC y 8ºC.

    Frozen  in appliances between -18ºC and -24ºC. When slowly defrosting in the fridge.

  • Consumption.

    Once opened, preferably consume within a week.

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